My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end.

My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end. I know not when. The same it is for all of us, for you.

Until that day.

The energy that flows here has for all time. Before my Life was and will be no more again.

My Life can be one of contribution, Love, encouragement and support. One of giving and helping others to heal, or not.

Healing for self and those around, to be. Or not.

For this is the power of the gift of Life, that has been given.

If you seek connection, after my departure.

Look for me in these places, the touching of lives that were seeking.

The smiles shared and given, for it felt “at peace” to give so.

The laughter shared with another, creating another “moment” in another’s Life. More received that they’ll ever know.

The silence of the listener. To hold carefully another. To be entrusted with the hurts of another. Just to notice opportunity and hold the gratitude required. To watch the light return.

The gratitude given back, revealed for another to consider. To make it their own.

The patience, space provided and encouragement vested for another. So they in turn may stand on my shoulders. To experience more than I dreamed of.

Look for me in these places, after I am gone.

For in these energies, these intentions, my Life and yours, will never die.

My life and yours too if you decide, then struck into the Energy of Love that holds this place up.

For all time you’ll find me there.

Long after I am gone.

For Freewill, through perhaps the mightiest given aside of Life itself.

The ability to choose where others will find you in the Flow of Love that knows no end.

After you have left this place.

As I too, one day, must go.


Pathways to Resonance.

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