The Change.

The Change.


Is the caterpillar “happy” about the entire body turned to soup? (to be a caterpillar, no more) Does the resulting exquisite butterfly, have any memory of what had to pass for it to know Life?

Take your time to carefully consider the implications of the process required for the emergence of a butterfly at the end.

For this now reflected as if by mirror, what if this comparison be made?

Maybe this is what we are supposed to be here, doing.

Changing the parts of us we would rather not carry. Healing ourselves and others around us. Putting down all that no longer serves.

The caterpillar here I am talking about. Where the old you resides.

Where Life yes of course necessary, but something you were doing wasn’t correct, or you are just trying not to be “whatever” in the future, again. The giving up of the old habits and traits that you’d rather not be. The putting down of bad intention, or wrongly motivated action. The parts in your Life, you felt pain from doing, your own action.

The things about you, you’d rather not be carrying.

For every day, day after day, if we are lucky, is the opportunity to take flight all by yourself. Should you stay focused on the constant transition process you find yourself in.
And now we have explored the actual of this. One last thing might be worth considering.

Does the butterfly have memory of caterpillar Life? We will never know.

But what we do know is that by looking at this in this way. We can actually observe ourselves changing, in exactly the same way.

You can look back thinking about such times, now regretted. And in the last few years, months weeks or days, and no longer find yourself even remotely interested in going back to it.

Because in your own way you are actually birthing yourself into something new. Letting the wings of “new life”, the butterfly Life taking shape.

Putting down that of the old. Picking up more of a life of gratitude, remarkable gratitude, at the gift each has been given.

And how much easier our form of transition into a butterfly is, on us? And we get to see and remember each time we change, just that little bit more.

So maybe unlike our caterpillar perhaps lost to the butterfly. We get to witness ourselves becoming something new. If we hold our view just right.

So next time you see a butterfly, arrive from “no where” into your space. Bringing with it delight, because they always do. If your memory holds them tender as mine does. Smile a little because you are on the same journey.

Leaving the caterpillar behind, returning to an exquisite form. And you can witness yourself changing as you go.

Life ha, what a ride!

Just given to each of it, it was.

Such a thing of beauty to behold. If you allow your observational view points to change. These stories of truth all around.


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