The modern world. I must keep up, stay informed!

Constant scrolling, taking in this and that. Scrolling, liking, approving. No longer able to focus to actually read, take in and think about, what is being said. What it means, what consequence may result.

How to think.

For we need not know, all the world tells us we must. As if constantly drowning from fire hose of information many now have become. Unable to apply much if anything at all. All ability to focus and read more than a couple of paragraphs, today many have lost.

And in there, is the trap.

For in the constant need to know all, many, many drown. Just keep scrolling, “knowing it all”, liking or not as maybe the case. Keep taking in everything, that to our local environment, matters not.

The great dulling down of our consciousness, a witness to this we all now have become.

For unless I change “it”, make something more positive happen in my local environment, as a result. Why, why then, do I actually need to know?

Wisdom comes from the application of knowledge. The actual “doing” of this or that applied. Maybe that is just the time required to deeply think about something. Often more richly the result, from actually “doing” whatever it is.

From taking, first the time, to read or reread many times something that draws you in. Like somehow you are supposed to focus upon it, might be the case.

Then the “so what” must, the result be. Otherwise what purpose in taking onboard anything at anytime, unless some action of application somewhere in your Life, the result.

For we, we all, aren’t designed to be able to process all this noise. All we can ever hope to do is kind of, “keep up”. A fools errand at best. The everything being flung at us. Our eyes can absorb much, like the drug sugar is. But this volume of information, as toxic to the brain, as sugar is.

And in there, is the trap.

For in the attempt to absorb all, the ability to focus upon anything, many are losing. To focus upon reading even something as long as this, foreign for many it is becoming. But to then think, think deeply about what something meant. The consequences it may result in that might impact me locally, where ever I am in the world.

How do I actually feel about something? Does it resonant with me or not? What inside “this” whatever it is, might I have to learn?

Giving these and many other questions time to mature and wash over us, gone. For in the “keeping up”, I have no time for such things. Got to keep up, got to stay on the leading edge of the trend. Is dulling us down, killing our ability to focus on anything. Constant rushing between “bright lights” the result.

And in there, is the trap.

For as we are witnessing right now. Disruption of this information, can today easily manifest.

And if there was now one question to help focus the mind.

What would your world look like if you spent an entire day without going online? A week a month, perhaps more of a challenge.

I would wager that very quickly, things local to you, would again become important. All this noise, the clicks and like’s the knowing, would fade. Showing themselves transparent and thing compared to you applying yourself into your local life and the others around in your local world.

The real “following” of more than perhaps five people, impossible the task.

For it is indeed a fools errand, to try to keep up. Even with a thousand Life times, we would never be able to stop and think about what we are exposed to daily in this “modern world”. Really think about it.

“Progress” some might now call where we are, what we are doing. Where we seem to be headed right now.

I’d answer thus to the question if ever asked, about this “progress” coming towards us fast.

Where exactly is it, that you are “progressing” to, in the doing of all this?
How does, through the knowing of all that you are telling me I must know, change anything right outside my door, in the community I live?

For in no way is all “progress” good.

The dulling down of who we naturally are and the removal of our ability to think, process and apply, aspects that resonant individually. The very application of knowledge to become wisdom is being lost. The application of knowledge in some positive way.

Replaced instead with argument or disagreement, we know not, how to discuss in adult ways any more. Ego based opinions, and telling each other we are idiots for not understanding this or that. Not agreeing with someone’s agenda when they come to drown me in that.

Just keeping scrolling, everything is going to be OK. And I’ll end up on top of some knowledge pyramid, made of sand one day perhaps. Do it all, for the reward for the stars and the likes. The number of followers, following you, so totally important.

But I will have forgotten, who I am, along the way, perhaps.

Have we really ever considered that?

What exactly are we giving up for some zero’s and one’s sitting on some hard drive somewhere?

And in there, is the trap.

Pathways to Resonance.

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