Now the most important part

Now the most important part

The crunch of the stones under foot. The warmth of sun on the cheek, that cool breeze arriving just in time. The sound of the ocean caressing or at war with the coast. The stream or brook playing amongst the rocks. The feeling of your feet touching the floor. These are where the real experiences of life are.

When did you last really take notice of the tastes of life?

The food wolfed down because time pressures abound, the textures and taste completely missed.

Talking whilst listening you should have been, disregarding the learning offered, crushing totally with no regard.

Missing a hand in need of support, too busy to see the gift of giving offered.

Pushing to be up front, when space provided right where you were was just for you.

Your choice of reaction, or body language dispatched, just because preconceived is your base.

For that one just passed, it is too late. The one coming too early.

All you have is the Now, the most important part.

Just now.


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