Everywhere, everything has a label applied. The items to be purchased from the shelf. Strong, Weak, with care, Fragile, Organic, Improved, New, Used. All with every good purpose, at this...
Everywhere, everything has a label applied. The items to be purchased from the shelf. Strong, Weak, with care, Fragile, Organic, Improved, New, Used. All with every good purpose, at this...
Born here we all are. One day, oh so too soon, we might not be. Younger years spent laughing crying, perhaps being teased. Learning Love, the first crush. Feeling perhaps...
On a wisp of breeze the seed carried to places unknown. Just enough to deliver to the new home. Without control or knowledge, life carried just the same. Landed, taking...
Your personal power The energy gifted at the beginning of Life, yours to do with as you feel. Annoyed, Angry, Aggressive, Happy, Glad, in Love, Joy, all places you can...
A storm begins to arrive from oceans beyond ours.Many before did what they could to delay the arrival, knowledge from so distant times. Effective in the most part they were...
We teach that of writing, history, math, grammar and more. The result, regardless of achievement in the youthful days, the same.That of work, taxes, debt, struggle, the most harshest of...
For it matters not who or what view is in power. Inbuilt in the game of making sure personal interests are played before any consideration of what is good...