The beauty of Life can make the full spectrums of Light itself, such a tiny piece. For the being here and the knowing, sensing the energy inside this gift of...
The beauty of Life can make the full spectrums of Light itself, such a tiny piece. For the being here and the knowing, sensing the energy inside this gift of...
In the moments just before being born. In the mothers’ womb held. The world and everything it in, just beyond it all is. Because in spite of all the vibrations...
This photo captures something really important. Evidence in fact of a mindset that pollutes and consumes as it goes deeper and deeper into our physic. And for those now looking...
Pause now for a while or moment or two. Before you have to rush off, a few moments requested, not more. For a wonderful little adventure awaits if you give...
This fabric everywhere it is. Everywhere and everything in the widest meaning of the words, the intent. Just beyond, all we have. Woven in ways beyond the understanding of all....