Posted by Gary Francis | 25 February 2025| 2025, Uncategorized | Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, New Human, personal, self, spiritual
We are, you are, I am

We are, you are, I am, so, so, so much more than the programming baked into us. An abundant, caring, supportive, compassionate, life of exploration is where we are supposed to Live peacefully, together. Ours to choose, each of us, all the time, it is.

Posted by Gary Francis | 25 February 2025| 2025, Uncategorized | Awareness, growth, individual, journey, New Human, Pathways
Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness     Matter

Posted by Gary Francis | 17 February 2025| Uncategorized | Awareness, growth, individual, journey, New Human, Pathways
Compassionate, Kind, Understanding, Supportive.

Compassionate, Kind, Understanding, Supportive. That which is priceless creation. That which money nor law will never bind. The decision to create, rather than destroy. Always yours in the next moment, can be.

Posted by Gary Francis | 16 February 2025| 2025, Articles without Photos, V V | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, meme, self, spiritual

Mindfulness Not all apparent meanings are what they seem. For mindfulness for me now is more a heart condition than a mind one. Opening of the heart and other acuities, that of a whole experience approach to the world. Through these things, "meanings", for many such sayings take on a totally different meaning. Mindfulness, the...

Posted by Gary Francis | 15 February 2025| 2025, Uncategorized | individual, journey, New Human, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
It’s in the silence.

It's in the silence. This place, our home, waits patiently for us to listen. Of the lessons, so profound, it has waiting. Turn the volume down of the entire world. Where it is to be found. How exquisite it is to see the world anew. The depth, the life. How priceless it is that we...

Posted by Gary Francis | 05 February 2025| 2025, Uncategorized | Awareness, development, Discovery, Enlightenment, growth, individual
So sweet the nectar of our potential.

So sweet the nectar of our potential. So limit and boundless each is. Just deceived into being so, so much less, we have been. For that of the supernatural and more, being normal, it should be. For then "supernatural" would mean a whole new world for everyone. That we have created, together.

Posted by Gary Francis | 25 January 2025| 2024, Articles with Photos, V VI | Awareness, growth, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Smiles, smiling the forgotten “Art of Life”

Smiles never go out of fashion. Smiles convey happiness, Love and caring. Smiles can be received in happiness. Smiles can cause happiness. Smiles are free. (As are all the miracles of this place) Smiles can be given and received. Smiles aren't sent or received in judgement. Smiles create. (you are your own creator) Smiles are...

Posted by Gary Francis | 20 January 2025| 2025, Articles without Photos, Memes, V V | Awareness, Discovery, individual, journey, self, spiritual
Let today be …

Let today be the day you sing with all your heart. For together in peace together we can play our part. No more suffering or killing on this world, to pass. Joined together in Love and compassion. Now for all time forward. For this song now, the challenge being heralded the call. To live together,...

Posted by Gary Francis | 20 January 2025| 2025, Uncategorized | Awareness, Enlightenment, journey, New Human, Pathways, self, spiritual
There is a “language” being spoken

There is a "language" being spoken around us all, all the time. That can not be heard, rather felt. More and more, those previously isolated are returning to it's source.

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