You know, when as a child something small went wrong. A small scratch perhaps. But the sky had fallen upon you. Or you know when someone or a group picked on you for no apparent reason. Leaving you feeling substandard, lower than the rest. Down on yourself. When perhaps the feelings about failure and not...
Everywhere, everything has a label applied. The items to be purchased from the shelf. Strong, Weak, with care, Fragile, Organic, Improved, New, Used. All with every good purpose, at this level applied. The application of labels doesn't have limit at this application however. Racist, looser, left, deceitful, quick to anger, hateful, winner, snob, loud, bigot,...
There is so much exquisite beauty about. Too fast we travel, in this modern world, to see sometimes even glimpses of it. Yet, there all the while, for those that stay the path, know the way. For there is strength beyond the measure of the things the modern world considers strong. So much so that...
The Earth, reduced to the size of a grain of sand. The Moon not more than a speck of dust, orbiting not more than 1.5 centimetres away. The Sun about the size of a pool ball some 6 meters away. At this scale, Light would be slowed to arrive on Earth some 8 minutes after...