Posted by admin | 26 September 2023| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual

Imagine ……. Eyes closed, floating suspended as if by nothing. No cares, no worries or troubles, no doubt. Tingling happening in every cell of your body. Electric, alive. Warmth at the same time. As if immersed in liquid Love. No struggle, just to be. To exist and breathe enough. Present in the moments that pass....

Let the music of Life touch your soul
Posted by admin | 21 September 2023| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Let the music of Life touch your soul

It’s everywhere even in those places you can’t hear it. For this vibration, this flow of energy, this music is everything. Nothing exists without its endless harmonies, pouring out in the most perfect of ways. Nothing is beyond, nothing is outside. If you quieten the self-talk, close out the world. Depth beyond the useful purpose...

Posted by Gary Francis | 17 September 2023| 2023, Articles with Photos, V V | Awareness, development, growth, journey, personal, self, spiritual

You are now in a dark room. It’s empty, large in size that of a public hall close in comparison. Nothing but darkness presents. It’s safe, for in this room, to learn, to see, the task. The challenge in a minute clear. When the light in the middle, dangling from it’s cord, turned on. Find...

The boundary of the Divine.
Posted by admin | 13 September 2023| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
The boundary of the Divine

In all manner of incredible ways we have created a million versions of our understanding about a God, or God's, and all manner of variations upon a theme. Seekers wondering the purpose and where to find divine inspiration, perhaps the target. The reality of course different than ever imagined. For in every atom of air,...

The weight of nothing at all.
Posted by admin | 06 September 2023| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
The weight of nothing at all

We toil, struggle and fight just to be. Work hard, sacrifice much (sometimes oh so much) just to be where we are. Much weight upon the shoulders, placed. All too familiar this place for many it has become. These are the tangible burdens carried by the many, for far too long. Yet from nothing, for...

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