Amongst all the troubles and stresses that have been allowed to creep into this modern world. Have you stopped to take note of all that surrounds? All that, that has never changed. The hustle and bustle that distracts and consumes. It comes on, almost without attention event noticing its arrival. It grows and grows slowly...
From this simple element, all things come. For it is the bringer or Live as we know here in this place. Without it, this place wouldn’t be. The miracles that abound all round would have no basis to be. From these two gases bonded in just the right way the rich beauty that we know...
(To be read slowly letting each line wash over you.) The warmth of the summer breeze as you stroll on shores soft sand. The hand of the new born in your palm, eyes making contact for first time. The Love of your partner. The shoulder needed to cry on, provided without judgement. The laughter of...
(Take a moment and think about all that means) Some claim to be the seekers of a new world. That where the nonsense of the surrounds today is made null. Yet apart from those flashing lights onto today's latest hypocrisy, the latest abuse or cheat caught doing what cheats do, have we really considered all?...