At a planet level, Life is changing rapidly around us. Sadly affecting everyone’s lives. Much of what we took for granted now exposed or being exposed. Just how thin these “just in time” global delivery systems are. Just how skewed the results from a profit driven financially motivated system. The fact that what we are...
Pause now for a while or moment or two. Before you have to rush off, a few moments requested, not more. For a wonderful little adventure awaits if you give yourself the time. As you relax now, allowing your mind to being open to creating the picture, the scenes at each level. The journey holds,...
If held carefully in just the right way. If you’ve worked hard on yourself Started to master the Ego and emotions. The understanding of why. If you know what it is to actively take control of your awareness. If you have been patient enough to let it come to you. If you have the right...
All my troubles seemed so far away. A song perhaps about sadness and loss. Of missing those that you knew, those you felt safe with, able to say anything without judgement. Just to share. Of that friend where no explanation was necessary. Just being all required. Just to be enough. A most healthy place to...
Happened a moment History, it happens without ceasing over and over and over again. Each new second past is a moment we can’t change, will never be able to change. Over time those slices of time add up to provide us a view into the past into what we call history. Many become more aware...
(This assumes “The Craftsman plies his hand to the craft” has been read.) Perhaps that most amazing aspect of this journey. You are the craftsman of your own vessel. But even more, if that is possible, you get to decide where your energy goes. What you let in, keep out, and focus upon is all...