When considered all, nature is constantly changing. Wind comes and goes, storms, sunshine, rain, cold, warmth all as a part of this soup we experience. Yet all of these change all the time. Looking beyond, solar winds ebb and flow. Stars born, exist for a period then extinguished, transferring their energy into different forms across...
Captured this photo this morning. It is the most perfect of views, capturing all that is Life. For in this photo is our most perfect of atmospheres, that which sustains all life on this planet. That of only water and sunlight. The hue of the blue, couldn’t be more strong and rich. Sunlight plays with...
From generation to generation the craft handed down. Each adjusting, trying different techniques, using variations on the theme. Hours and hours, lifetimes sometimes spent tuning and adjusting the design. Refining improving, sometimes taking a wrong turn to be forced to back out from changes made. Always learning from the experience. Such is the craftsmanship required...
This fabric everywhere it is. Everywhere and everything in the widest meaning of the words, the intent. Just beyond, all we have. Woven in ways beyond the understanding of all. For others have come to same understanding. It’s a living cloth, responsive, it adjusts, it understands. It is the definer of Life. Of soft or...
It’s all the buzz, you see. The feelings changing as many begin to turn now to changes being felt. Not exactly knowing result, but the beauty of the new undeniable. As if something sublime is arriving, but unable to express, try as hard as you like. For as the spirals and fractals dance before, the...
In the background or right in front of us, the universe does what it does. Constantly spinning, moving, changing just as the ordered chaos it is, is supposed to. Possibly of creation and destruction an endless ebb and flow of infinity. Expressed perhaps according to mathematical form. For order to be, from chaos, some method...
As you opened your eyes this morning. Take a moment to think about that miracle. Your been asleep, no conscious thought on how to stay alive. Breath, Heart beat, Lungs, Eyes, Ears all intact, doing what they do. Yet every day same miracle of Life preformed. But no guarantee about this has been written in...
As the years pass, life’s final days, not hidden your own mortality, it becomes. Maybe on that day, I’ll not be as well as I am today. Perhaps, if lucky, wrinkled, weathered and grey I’ll be. With a body reminding me of the price being paid for all that discovery of youth. Maybe I’ll be...