Arrival into this life can be expressed as just two sides of a ledger. The credit side that of personal growth, the debit side that of learning opportunity. Life is a ride. It comes ready or not. Swimming against the flow impossible. So for many just being in the flow, the only experience felt, whether...
With breath taken gently from the lungs, with eyes to see, all that can be seen is beauty. It is there waiting for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, waiting for us each day. The weed growing beside the road, in spite of all odds, finding just enough to present abundant...
Now as we go on a journey together. Now is the time most critical for us to decide. This choice now before us, never more sober required. For now is the time we must decide. Our choice so simple yet never more profound. Will we be the destruction of ourselves and much of our home?...
For so many now, the noise of “Life” becoming louder and louder. This and that to look that, argue about, the wrong and right of it all. Work pressures mount, paying the bills, struggling to keep ahead. Yet through it all do we really allow all this to cloud our view of what already abounds?...
Programming, if clever enough you’ll never notice. We are born, only two types of expression. Female (wīfman) and male (wǣpmann). Two legs, two arms, hair, eyes, feet, ribs, nose, throat, teeth etc. All sorts of different shapes and colours are expressed. All manner of languages, religions and culture taught. But when all said and done,...
Harmony where these angels reside. Natural bringing forth all created and yet to come. Moving as one, yet infinite the depth of the separation, allowing each grace of being. From all corners arriving soft, innocent, yet with strength beyond reproach. The striking, their arrival more of a gentle caress, but oh the power. For these...
Often discovery, not more than seeing something that was always there. Right in front and centre. Clues for the truth manage somehow to maintain themselves. Perhaps in some way they are expressions of the absolute and could never actually be removed. These are maintained in English today with roots from times long ago. I would...
Yours began in lands far away. But Universal plans are indeed universal. Landed in the shores I called “my country”, into the town I called “home”. The children we both were, our boat not our own to sail. For the role of the parent still an important part. Then came the foundation years, where young...
Brave enough to speak gently with everything I have, all of me, if you come with me to listen. I never change, always constant, always there. I don't get angry, upset or annoyed, no matter how loud, arrogant or full of anger you get. Cheating and deceit no shadow you will find in me. Possibly...