Judgement and condemnation
Judgement and condemnation

We seem to expect almost perfection from others and care not perhaps for the view of ourselves. Perhaps the fast pace and bright lights of our world today, too distracting for many. Hard often to stop and see ourselves from outside. To seriously stop and look. Has everything we said always been consistent, really truly?...

Come together in Love, we must

Nothing, nothing more obvious today than that, in which, we all matter not.  Plans abound, formed from centuries before, waiting for the timing to be right. Rights, taken without notice and crushed long ago. Only now, when we ask for our power back, is the truth revealed into plain sight.  That we matter not. Not,...

That of the sailor
Posted by admin | 28 February 2023| 2019, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
That of the Sailor

Today I set sail upon the ocean that is my life, as taken for granted, I normally do. Where the winds blow I know not, tomorrow a mystery that will only be revealed when perfect time arrived. Does the wind bring calmness or storm? I know not. For mine is not the path to try...

For the moment suspended I was
Posted by admin | 23 February 2023| 2019, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
For the moment suspended I was

Went out today, took a break from the daily routine. Upon returning to the car, mid journey, felt the warmth of the winter sun. It caressed me as if warming my very soul. In that instant all passed in front, isolated each part but together in the whole inseparable. Simple, oh incredibly so, yet more...

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I have ever had
Posted by admin | 22 February 2023| 2023, Articles with Photos, V V | development, individual, personal, self
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I have ever had

Stolen those words are, from another source. Captures the madness trying to consume that which will never be held. The human spirit. Exquisite beauty of the who that we are. So much to offer, so much to contribute to each other. So much Love to come and healing to be done. For it is our...

When do I get to be happy?
When do I get to be happy?

Rush, push, stress, achieve, strive, pressure, go, fight, anger, distrust, achieve, be all, have it all. Full lives can be, so full that space for happiness is no more. I have so many commitments, so many are depending upon my efforts being there for them. Where would everyone else be if I wasn’t continually fighting...

Just breathe
Posted by admin | 17 February 2023| 2020, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, individual, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
Just breathe

The world goes crazy. We allow hundreds of thousands to die of hunger, to perish on the roads, millions. To die of all manner of induced illness, via what we eat and the pressures we live under as “normal”. Got to get this done, done on time and don’t let me down! The client is...

How inherently good we all are
Posted by admin | 14 February 2023| 2018, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
How inherently good we all are

Eyes that sparkle so bright. The Universe contained therein. When combined with a smile so bright the light. Darkness and sadness gone in a flash. Fingers / Skin so tender and soft to touch. Can reach out to touch with caring. Perhaps hand in hand, or more tender in a moment. Something given never to...

How to grow diamonds applied
How to grow diamonds applied

“How to grow diamonds” a previous writing about creating those things that matter. Then a simple planner contained in “The Wheel of Time”. But the Wheel of time, in context is more about you re-planning your life. Please read both if you haven’t already, before reading this one. The graphic shows a very simple usable...

May I soar through this thing called “life”
Posted by admin | 07 February 2023| 2019, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
May I soar through this thing called Life

As soon as possible, let me become the dancer. Whose feet hardly touch, even gently, upon the sand. Let my Soul take to this dance called Life and show me the way to hold steadfast unto myself. Giving me courage to continue to dance, this epic dance called Life. For if even should adversity come,...

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