Who am I (Riddle 1)
Who am I (Riddle 1)

Brave enough to speak gently with everything I have, all of me, if you come with me to listen. I never change, always constant, always there. I don't get angry, upset or annoyed, no matter how loud, arrogant or full of anger you get. Cheating and deceit no shadow you will find in me. Possibly...

Taught just so
Posted by admin | 07 April 2023| 2019, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Taught just so

When taught, I get to know and am tested upon my ability to write, do math, and understand elements of science, an awareness of history and more. For these are the things that everyone knows are “most important of all”. What does this mean for my future, what will this young child or adult become?...

The Weather
The Weather

When glazing into the clouds, through the Sun light, clouds, wind and rain, we see our weather. Built perfectly to understand with senses acute we breath, knowing all that is needed for the day. Our sight tells us what is coming, the sense of smell, where rain is coming or not, our ears tuned to...

You arrived, but what did it take?

Billions of years ago, at a time before that, things were put into motion. The Universe arrived, inside of which galaxies took shape. Atoms grouped together, new chemicals and compounds the result. A melting pot of potential, all results, as we now begin to observe and understand. Inside our solar system, even here on our...

Clouds come and go
Clouds come and go

Just because something can't be seen or heard doesn't mean it isn’t there. Clouds: We see them for just moments sometimes, to witness their departure in the next instant. Yet others remain bound, by forces not revealed, for longer duration. All the ingredients required for their arrival and departure didn't change. Something triggered the vapour...

Candles, as Nature prescribes
Candles, as Nature prescribes

Once lit, candles naturally burn at a rate pre-prescribed. Vulnerable to the winds that blow, at risk of being extinguished beyond our control. They burn, gently illuminating all around, warming the soul if permission given. Light so pure that even the smallest of flame, seeming too intense sometimes to hold the glaze. But burn candles...

Safe in Bed
Safe in Bed

Under the covers you remain safe and warm, not quite ready to face the dawn. Yet this bed so comfortable and safe might not be the place. For this bed covered and protected for so long, price paid you have, to stay for so long. For the coverings, the sheets, the blankets with quilt onto...

Where time need not be

Nature beyond comprehension applies. Millions, billions of numbers of instances, so limitless in reality unable to comprehend. Our part to be, just the tiny of tiniest existence’s to be. No less important than any other, no greater either. These, these are the real Laws of this place. So thick these laws unable to understand, so...

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