Filled with blue sparkly light, ebbing and flowing. Changing the nature and strength of light revealed, constantly. The wonder in the eyes that have seen. Each the shape of the hour glass. Thin centered, wide at top and bottom. Yet the Light only coming from that of the top half. The bottom seemingly more of...
When bringing to the fore of the mind, this word “Beauty” on the surface, seems easy to grasp. That of the flower, the smile of a child, the bird on the wing, the view of Nature from lofty heights. Beauty, easy at least on the surface to be comfortable with seemingly all it means. Most...
Quietly, known to those that are closest only, they are. The work they all do, as they are called to hold together this place called home. For these are those that you’ll never find “up front” and “out there” in public eye. For some the purpose of coming was always clear. For others time taken...
Could I not: • Judge anyone else. (just once for a whole day, as my goal). • Think poorly of myself. • Let in the programming from the world. • Let hate rule over my thoughts and actions. • Strike out in anger by deed or word. • Take for granted what I have in...
Much care required to tune in just so. For this is the language that can not be spoken, nor heard directly from any written text. Nor can this language be spoken by anyone. For this is not the language of man, but instead the language of God, our home and the Universe around us. To...
Prenote: Please read the main body paragraphs slowly. To allow the memories of these examples come to mind. If you rush the read, then you’ll waste your time. It is about you bringing back into your conscious state, things, that only you know ------------------------ In our own way we are perfection Have you ever seen...
Maybe not everyone held up given accolade. Just the elite few it seems, did we get that right? But maybe in this notion we miss the entire point. For those that get held up, nothing further from the truth could be. For, for the most part what is presented are those that hold only onto...
Blissful immersion in that which words cannot describe. For beyond anything beautiful or exquisite it is. To watch and feel another’s light going on. You know when they start to ask that little simple question, why? For it is at that precise moment in this exquisite thing we call time. That exact tic of the...
For I really don’t care whether the Earth is flat or round. For it changes nought. Foot steps on the moon, not one thought, do I give. Children are dying by the thousands each day. Millions and millions of them, who for whatever reason couldn’t afford to pay. We are laying now, vast landscapes toxic....