Pay attention as we walk
Posted by admin | 26 October 2022| 2020, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, personal, self, spiritual
Pay attention as we walk in this new normal

The world, the only thing it knows is change. Mountains come and go, seasons constantly ebbing and blending together in different ways. If left it its own devices balance in the time needed, it always is. Like never before however things now become more serious around us all, than perhaps first understood. Our Nature being...

We missed the boat
We missed the boat

Distracted by oh so much noise we have become. Lied and tricked into handing over our lives for the benefit of a very select few. Work, purchase this, listen to that, pay attention to this political message or this horrid story of how someone else’s life has been, what calamity has befallen, “the news”, all...

Oh the Pain, but the Love to give
Oh the Pain, but the Love to give

The Divine, God, Source, Allah, Mother, Father, impossible to imagine the gift given. So heavy the load must be enough to crush, our home under the weight. Enough to turn all before into dust, yet the weight, the load taken all the same. For regardless of the name inserted all have given the gift of...


Circles are happening all around at all sorts of different levels. Most of these are more set than perhaps first considered. Some are easy to see, some will remain hidden for all time. From the macro to the micro circles being what they can only be, designed before time begun. In their own motions locked...

Master Masons we are
Master Masons we are

As life unfolds, experiences taken on board. The adventure of Life develops, much exploration the result. Light and darkness and the grey of the middle all taken on board, reacting to each we move. The knocks just slide in oh so easy, our own walls we begin to make. This is not the domain of...

The Traveller Part II
Posted by admin | 12 October 2022| 2022, Articles with Photos, V V | Awareness, individual, journey, personal, self
The Traveller Part II

That which is revealed. The suns warmth on the face. Felt perhaps millions of times before. Arriving now uniquely to talk to you and to touch your Life for real for the first time. That it, all of it, may touch your soul. For from this light is all you’ll ever need. To come into...

Posted by admin | 10 October 2022| Uncategorized | Awareness, individual, journey, personal, self
Climate Change. But where are the changes?

First, the climate changes period. In fact change is the only thing constant. So climate change is normal. When scanning the headlines, as we all know, we are being blamed for it. Whether I or you choose to believe it, is a personal thing, for me at least. For sure not the purpose of this...

The Ultimate Gift
Posted by admin | 07 October 2022| 2022, Articles without Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, individual, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
The Ultimate Gift

In this nature electrical vibration and flowing energy the norm. All there is when truth seen. We are part of this flow and yet have our own independence within it. Somehow given the power of free will and choice. For these the most precious and powerful of gifts. It is through these that we get...

Universe in awe we belong
Posted by admin | 03 October 2022| 2018, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Universe, in awe, we belong

The psychical Universe is complete and balanced. Doing what it needs to support the abundant life throughout. Its foundation, upon which everything substantiated, is energy. Electrical / Magnetism in nature, it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. This base sees no boundary / no difference between the vacuum of space and deep Earth,...

Together in celebration
Posted by admin | 30 September 2022| 2022, Articles with Photos, V V | Awareness, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
Together in celebration

So much stress, breaking backs of the many, strain builds at this time. Destruction, greed, lies and deceit allowed to run unchecked. War, Poverty, Pollution, Destruction, Murder seems man has perfected all this and more. So, so far in denial seems, most no longer know how to turn back. Destruction sweeping many away to a...

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