Posted by admin | 02 August 2022| 2022, Articles without Photos, V V | individual, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
Oh and on the next day and next

Well in truth it will be the same again. Excitement and Fun and enjoyment Nature all around us, abundantly returned and healed itself of all the damage we have dished out. For the only thing in focus in the now of those days, is how to Live better and with each other and our home....

To listen
To listen

This world, so crammed full it is. The hustle, the rush, the volume of the media spewing in drowning those around. Yet balance seems forgotten so long long ago. ‘‘this really needs to be discussed” ‘‘the Internet goes crazy” ‘‘you must read this” ‘‘a must see” ‘‘This is a huge story and many people are...

As I travel today through this journey called Life

May my footsteps be light, leaving a print that is gentle and kind, but with purpose also. May I have understood what it is to have lived humbly upon my home. Focused in each moment to move deliberately, yet with Grace. When the step landed just right, the print was where and when it was...

Let not the Wondrous Joyous times slip by
Let not the Wondrous Joyous times slip by

Life, there can never be a middle path. For as much as we might try to avoid, “experience” still comes close. Sometimes the highs so high that for a period, even breathing difficult, in the most delightful way. Those that dwarf even the highest. Those that, when looking back, stand with so, so much depth,...

Shh sssh quite please.
Shh sssh quite please.

Let the new focus arrive to you. If only for a moment please come inside. For before you most marvelous of experiences. Breath, slow down the function required, be still inside. Take the time to clear your mind. For you need centered, right now, the place to be. Read now these words literately slowly. Then...

Is the Freedom I preach just veiled under the cloak of consumption?
Is the Freedom I preach just veiled under the cloak of consumption?

When thought allowed to run, the model of Freedom often directed to the Western model of Life, it is. Free to do as I like, purchase what I want, that next experience, go where I want. And yet perhaps in this thought hides, a more bitter future than apparent at first glance. For isn't it...

The moment
Posted by admin | 21 July 2022| 2018, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
The moment

With noise pounding into your life, it seems, from every possible angle. The media, your school, the web, all those apps, the bank manager, your peers, the noise and pressures you place on yourself. It is a wonder that so many survive this thing we are sold is Life. The interesting consideration is of course,...

Posted by admin | 14 July 2022| 2018, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, self, spiritual

Now from a different perspective applied. Those with sight can see a twisted floor, yet that is not true. So even inside our limited ability, tricks can be played to change our version of Reality. More, for those without sight this picture affects them not, nor would the floor if they were to walk on...

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