The needle gently lifted by the arm, held fast. Glides over the edge and, with expectation at extreme, begin to descend. Gently, ever so gently it touches the surface and falls into a groove, as if both were meant for each other. Split seconds later, and with breath still held fast, expectation even higher, just...
All, each and every one has the same. All that is needed. Never can be taken from you. The ability to dream, learn, discover, use your child like intrigue to expand your world. Invest in helping others to make discovery. Caring or just reaching out to those that are part of your life. Family friends...
On the surface perhaps an easy answer can be given. What is “The Truth”? For the simple things, the Truth seems an easy thing to get one’s mind around. The Sun is a star really close that keeps our corner of the Universe warm. Clean Water is good for you. Good natural food, the same....
There will come a day, when breath drawn will be my last. When the air gently escapes the lungs for time no more. In that moment, just as it is supposed to be, the die that was cast as my life will be broken. Never to be used again, in quite the same way. I...
Even in the brief time, light shed on real life, has been for me. When pondered about those elements that caught the eye back then, much changed has already been the result. Those things seemingly endless, able to stand for eternity, have gone. When investigated today, maybe robbed by modern society, might be the best...
For if a building stands on shaky foundations, it won't stand for long. Words Mean Things: 4th posting of many. Previously explored: Respect, Success, Alternative, Food and Health Food. Explored in this post: Friend. The use of words for commercial gain is of course, rampant. Especially those with deep rooted meaning for us. Why? Because...
Born into this world we all are. From east west top and bottom of a bubble floating in space. No rights or wrongs, it just is. As we grow we learn or not, those things we desire to experience. Rich, poor, healthy, sick, poorly, Anger and Love, we all, such a gift of experience to...
As the ripples of a pond do when struck by a stone, so does the energy you give off does also. It goes places, affects things and changes not only yourself but those around you. In this regard you are the creator of your life, good or not. The interesting thing is however, whilst intent...
The individual aspect of us makes us who we are on the outside. Our responses different and unique each time, personal to every one of us. How and why we laugh, cry, get angry, frustrated and perhaps depressed. Our reaction to our communities, how we respond or decide not to towards our family and friends....