We are born, all needed already Once born, given, all needed, no cost or justification, just given no questions asked. Our free will, our freedom of choice, the right and responsibility to treat others well, the decisions to make to build up or tear down. To be honest, honest enough to allow life to teach...
I see a colour blended into another, then another, yet more poured. The colours remain intact, each uniquely has it place. Yet all a perfect part in making the whole. Turning, twisting interacting to a perfect plan of completeness. An environment played out just so. Without limit of space or time, in resonance each a...
How to be generous to each other. How to inspire each other to be all we can be. How to help another in need, or at least try. How to imagination and move towards a better now than today’s version. How to hold another close, who needs in that moment, your shoulder. That War is...
Life, A gift given freely, yet never a value can be applied, for priceless it is at every turn. Often, most often it seems, taken for granted and dismissed without a thought. Yours to do with where ever you’re are brave enough to let it take you. Waste not a drop of this precious stream....
Build in exquisite beauty. Every fibre just so, the structure of the bones unmatched. Made perfect we each are and always so incredibly different and unique. Free to do what it likes at any time. Possibility of application endless. Art, Music, Climbing, Diving, Flying, Creation, Love, Passion, Comfort, Joy, Humility, Compassion.. Just perfect from every...
Blessed you are if chasing rainbows takes your breath away. Laughter, “the rainbow from the Soul”. That joy outburst that comes from “that place” deep inside. Full of tears, the type that if allowed to run, robs the lungs of the breath. Where at end you have to stop for fear of major medical problem....
Unlike the current and vastly more published meaning of this term. What the world doesn’t realise is that unlike Iraq and others we were told had them. It is my belief that everyone has Weapons of Mass Destruction. In fact actually we all have Weapons of Mass Destruction. Right at our fingertips, in the very...
When considered from a distance, a lot of our world makes no sense. In fact some aspects are frankly total insanity hidden in plain sight. Democracy. Our vain attempt where people are supposed to have a voice. Utter nonsense. Reveal where Party policy is set, show the strings that get pulled behind closed doors, hide...
Destructive to the core. Systems designed to draw the very life blood. Kept busy, distracted with deliberate act to steal the very life from the Soul. Pace, speed, pressure, debt, distrust, fear built right in. Isolation the key, separation and distraction, simple tricks of the trade. Yet even under this core sapping crushing load, The...
Will they look back upon this period and be proud of what they see? Or like us will they look back at us and see all that went wrong, from the previous generations? Perhaps worse, be able to trace all the mess that is theirs, back to our time in the right now of now....