Who stole your joy?
Posted by admin | 19 January 2022| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Who stole your joy?

That spark of life, the mystery of discovery, the unrestricted imagination, and the time spent in wonder, the fun, laughter and smile. Where have all things gone? “They” took it from you right? The rent or mortgage that needs paying The work for the food required to live The fear of interacting with others The...

Let’s examine the plot before most western people
Posted by admin | 19 January 2022| 2016, Articles with Photos, V II | personal
Let’s examine the plot before most western people

Kids born – all good. Go to school get an “education” - kind of OK I suppose, but kind of not also, for it seems to not program our kids into real exploration of all they can possibility be. Then we are dispatched into adult life to work, to achieve all we can in front...

Art will save the world

Love, passion, immersement, freedom, expression, challenged, risk, all these things and so much more, expressed as Love (Jus and Bhaj combined it seems). For before all, and at the end of all, Love will not change. It alters not one vibration, not one, for of all and in all is Love. The vehicle of delivery...

When I was born, I started to die
Posted by admin | 18 January 2022| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
When I was born, I started to die

From that moment on, a life full of possibility, joy, discomfort, love, adventure and discovery awaited. My choices, my learnings, selected from almost an infinite array of twists and turns which direction was mine? Will I love, marry, have kids, bond with a soul mate, spend my life slapping others, using intent not pure? Will...

From reading recently undertaken
Posted by admin | 14 January 2022| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
From a reading recently undertaken

The root of suffering. What keeps us unhappy and stuck in a limited view of reality is our tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain, to seek security and avoid groundlessness, to seek comfort and avoid discomfort. This is how we keep ourselves enclosed in a cocoon. Out there are all the planets and all...

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