So, for those that have done some research, this will ring an accord. If not, then please feel free to ask. An Ice Age has been created coming now, from the reflection that is global warming. For the conveyor that is the Atlantic's warm current, comes to a stop. This caused by Iceland's melt and...
Food which is good for me, produced locally, balanced, without all the chemicals. Water without Fluoride and Chlorine added, for “my good health”. Goods without “pop packaging” that I don’t need, didn’t ask for and which is thrown away each time I purchase something. Instead please can I have open containers allowing me to purchase...
All it took? Now understood to be wrong. In spite of all the years it took to build, burn today it must. For in its’ hallways much hidden, out of sight. The strings that open and close the windows, hidden in plain sight. The flaws in design now plastered over, hard, too hard to be...
We have danced now, like we knew before. Finding our feet again, finding our souls. Learning to dance our way. Supported by all the has come and been before. That which is and will never be not. Held gentle and fast, but safe in these times as we play. Knowing the knowing that can not...
Just imagine what this place called home would be like if we all stood steadfast in the resolve to build each other up all the time. Doing the right thing by the planet, but genuinely trying to help each other, instead of stomping on those with thoughts and behaviours that don't suit our version of...
Yet distracted from the start we are programmed. Be busy here; study this push yourself above for that. Pressure seemingly enormous in this world. The mortgage, the rent, and the job someone else is trying to take. The hate, the aggression, the food toxic, the water bad, the skies burning, news focused solely on the...
But this place is not that of noise, haste or pressure, not that of the world. But more than that a door to be opened to let you come home. Home, this place created for you in which to reside. A place where all you need to be, is just to be. To be free...
As if the labels on the blocks before us in our picture of how we play out Life. As if framed there in a picture hung upon a wall. A painting you get to paint a fresh each day. Day upon Day until our time to day comes to an end. Words of dishonesty, greed,...
Who said it has to be so? We are taught from oh such a young age that leading the race is the only place to be. First in class academically, to infer standing above the others around. First in sports, as we all know second is the first loser. First to work to exceed and...
Yet distracted from the start we are programmed. Be busy here, study this push yourself above for that. Pressure seemingly enormous in this world. The mortgage, the rent, the job someone else is trying to take. The hate, the aggression, the food toxic, the water bad, the skies burning, news focused solely on the bad,...