My Life’s exploration of self, taken before the very start. For when veil torn, the real truth will arrive with a start. Such the rage that arrives once clear view held fast. For perhaps our biggest crime is giving up now, to another, our future taken away forever. The biggest crime we allowed to be...
To celebrate, think hard when did you celebrate, just glad and grateful for being alive, today, in the moment, right now. The smile that is so easy to give, doesn't cost a thing, yet brings so much light. Into to the deepest corners of darkness, just even a smile can spray light in ways you...
As born, you only had what you bought before. Life looking through a clean window, began. Over time events started to fog the glass, sometimes causing mould to take hold. Those bad thoughts, what others said getting in too deep. Sadness, pain, hurt; almost now etching their own permanent place in the view. Actually Love,...
We have all we need. Our free will to act or not, to purchase anything, from these corporations corrupt. To turn on the noise of the world, the carefully orchestrated game, our decision to make. Forever to be distracted by a veil so so thin if you dare. Bound down by the law and governance,...
For those times understood from long ago now arrive. Much cleansing already underway, nature now moving in unstoppable ways. For as Georgia described, the winds of change now blow. Unless much work invested, much panic the result. For without the calm, your path you’ll not remain. For these are now the times of much change,...
Atoms, of everything, making up everything links us together. Links the birds and trees to us. Links us to the water and light. Here in this place Atoms are reality. Atoms on the planet, atoms in space, throughout the Universe. Separation in fact from this impossible. Your thoughts and actions have impact on us all,...
You trained your brain to learn things previously not known. The left brain adapted itself and refocused to place being taught and learnt. And yet the part of you used to "live" in this place is just a tiny tiny part of who you really are. So this new world, your awakened life must begin....
First port of call the boundary of our existing Universe. As you arrive so you depart. Now floating beyond the edge of what we call home. On the other side of divide of our Universe and what lies beyond. It slips oh gently off the right shoulder as it draws away from you now distant...
I wrote earlier providing a view on what might be ahead for society, should this current model fail. What wasn’t covered in that article was one major aspect. And before this gets fired at me, I am aware of the Venus Project, off the grid living, Earth Ships and a whole bunch more. To me...