So crammed full, of all that is "good". Yet when paused for a moment all is toxic to the core. Toxic the food provided, toxic the air breathed, poisoned the water consumed, to another agenda this tune played. Even the extreme where hunger and death abounds, wars played out, is simply another scene in the...
Too often the politics (and the way we conduct ourselves) of this world are based on poverty. If people are poor, they want to take money or resources away from those who have more. And if people are wealthy, in the sense of having money or worldly resources, then they want to hold onto what...
Everything that is seemingly real today will not be tomorrow. All you have been taught to touch and see isn't what it seems. Reality is before you. you make it. Others have built much for you, with agendas hidden from view. Complex and distracting, filled to the brim it must be to try to keep...
So vast the topics in Life that our education never touches. How to listen. How to speak to build up the other. How to share feelings and thoughts, knowing the other was well prepared The art of giving and receiving. For the act to occur, first it requires both parts. For the receiver to receive...
The essence of Life has no boundary. It knows not good nor bad, no right or wrong. It is, and that is all of the greatest miracles of all, we need to know. Just that it is. Born into this place, everyone the same. Isolated now, living in, supported by this essence but somehow now...
It is everywhere, more abundant than ever conceived, ever thought possible. Mind blowing large. Life. In the moments, every one of them, life waits. It waits without judgement, arms open, no condition, no expectation required. Just warm, open and without any shadow, nothing hidden. In your spirit life awaits, awaits for you to turn off...
Made perfect, remain perfect, can be perfect whenever you put down the world enough, enough to let life really take hold. All the mind talk, all the lies told, all the distrust invested, all the hate, all the pain of lesson learnt, are just the noise of this life. Yours to put down or carry...
What the world misses, has had stolen perhaps. The joy of living, drifting in the emotion of life. The laughter, the love (oh the love), the lightness we all carry within. Stomped on since the start, deeply vested to bury, others have set the stage. Take back what was taken without consent. Learn to strike...
I have been where few others have. Where the experience and risk so intense, drys your mouth, prevents sweat glands from working, because every calorie spent not keeping life sustained is wasted energy. Where the next split second could be your end. A place that can not be described, a place of peace, absolute focus,...