The fabric of Knowing

That of the seen and unseen. For fabric, whilst real, more so than anything seen.  Beyond human sight so fantastic is this place.. Reveals itself when ready and open you are, having the eyes to see. Much work invested, staying true to the path. For all adjustments along the way, now understood, the why that...

Flat Screen TV
Posted by admin | 15 September 2021| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
More clues in plain sight

Ours a multi-dimensional experience indeed.  That of touch, sight and sound. Feeling, smells, learning, response and reaching out.  All contrast upon this fabric we call time. Feedback / response coming to us from all angles.  No direction the source for it is always there, always being, seen or unseen.  It just is. We can safely...

Posted by admin | 14 September 2021| 2014, Articles without Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
So what difference does lending a hand make?

Why should I bother, whispered in your mind, I can hear? Does my action, my energy, really matter? Let me draw upon all for you. Many know that much opposes all, that others have agendas which don’t necessarily benefit anyone but themselves. Many know that most if not all that is supposed to be real...

Posted by admin | 14 September 2021| 2014, Articles without Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Where is life found?

First consider: Is it in the noise of the media?, in the fiction of your name? In the religion that controls?, The slide show that plays out before? The education system that binds and traps? The money that corrupts? The attention given to all that distracts? The noise you let in because you didn't understand...

The beating of my heart
Posted by admin | 14 September 2021| 2021, Articles with Photos, V II | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
The beating of my heart

Few able to hear that Life giving rhythm. But with fingers placed just so, the wrist and neck reveal that which gives you your go. Most give it no thought at all. Lifted above somehow the Nature where their life, is made possible to follow. In denial perhaps of their greatness, sometimes a price you...

These footsteps are mine
These footsteps are mine

Today I walk, you walk, where no one has gone before. For these steps are those that I make. No one can make them in just the same way. My path whilst similar in some way to those that might have gone before, is mine. No one has walked it in just the same way....

I care not for your money
Posted by admin | 10 September 2021| 2016, Articles with Photos, V II | development, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
I care not for your money

Money holds no value except for that given to it by the people. For the most part it doesn't even really exist anymore, except as “ones” and “zeros” (binary bits) on hard drives somewhere in the world. Turn those systems off, and all lost would only be storage on hard drives, not more. Money does...

Posted by admin | 09 September 2021| 2014, Articles without Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, spiritual
Where will you stand when what you relied upon turns to dust?

Be careful where your castle is built. There is no stable base to be found beyond yourself. Where will you stand when all else fails when: 1. agendas once hidden are truly revealed? 2. what appears stable proves to be not? 3. “food” is rationed, and totally dependent you’ll be. 4. time wasted in social...

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