Money holds no value except for that given to it by the people. For the most part it doesn't even really exist anymore, except as “ones” and “zeros” (binary bits) on hard drives somewhere in the world. Turn those systems off, and all lost would only be storage on hard drives, not more. Money does...
Be careful where your castle is built. There is no stable base to be found beyond yourself. Where will you stand when all else fails when: 1. agendas once hidden are truly revealed? 2. what appears stable proves to be not? 3. “food” is rationed, and totally dependent you’ll be. 4. time wasted in social...
Your life is yours. Nothing less and nothing more. Measure it not by anything around you that others would have you use. Measure it not by the goods owned, your monetary balance, nor anything else materially grounded. Measure even, it not by the acts, spreading of the word, whatever it may be, when others notice...
The gap, seemingly so small, to be stepped over and avoided, it seems. And yet when one pauses to look even for a moment, look deep and with eyes open, still and quite, the gap explodes to consume all, to be all. The gift, the soul that reaches, is there waiting. It waits for you...
For nothing I see today is actually economic. All consumes the planets resources in gay abandon, no thought for tomorrow. To call that “Economic” or “an Economy” is nonsense. All that toxic game is about is centralized control by a few to maximize their profits. With a long term ultimate price to be paid by...
A concept introduced to me in a movie watched recently. Caught my eye. Whilst not really explored in the movie, more of a throw away actually. The Standing Man, as explored by me. Of course the same applies equally for the Standing Women. The Standing Man / The Standing Women Gentle yet incredibly strong. Stands...
For all want or take some form of control over my thoughts and actions. If upright, with honour is the walk, then no need for what is right and wrong exists. I need not be condemned for my thoughts or actions, for my thoughts and actions will honour all around (Including self). Too much murder,...