How different would it look?
Posted by admin | 18 November 2023| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, personal, self, spiritual
How different would it look?

We teach that of writing, history, math, grammar and more. The result, regardless of achievement in the youthful days, the same. That of work, taxes, debt, struggle, the most harshest of Life to be found. Or perhaps wasted, as might be the case. What really the result of the process we call "education" then. That...

Lost in the fog.
Posted by admin | 12 November 2023| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Lost in the fog.

Information overload arrives so subtly, most never look twice or never see at all. "Experts" everywhere, just that click away. "Answers" pre-shaped for you from all angles, from every source all bidding to hold your attention. Qualification, rightness of answer found, impossible to discover. Nothing you can't reach too instantly. No need to actually think...

There’ll come a time
Posted by Gary Francis | 12 November 2023| 2023, Articles with Photos, V 6 | individual, journey, New Human, personal, self
There’ll come a time

When, then on that day, the last person who held any memory of me, will have moved on. The essence, the who I was, finally lost. For after day no one can speak of me in a first hand way. And after that who may have held tale or two have departed. Any articulation of...

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