This New World Order is yours to start. Today right now in the next moment, it’s there constantly waiting to take hold. Yours to turn on, or off, as your...
This New World Order is yours to start. Today right now in the next moment, it’s there constantly waiting to take hold. Yours to turn on, or off, as your...
Just like all other aspects of life, if the impact isn’t immediate then it won’t happen to me. Smokers play this game, just as well as alcoholics, drug users, under...
Be alive today, waste not a drop. Through all the hassle, bustle and hard work, that seems to be the world of today, breath.... Just breath and rejoice that you...
Have you ever stopped to examine what happens when you look at yourself via a reflection? The first, to see the reflection you must stop, to look. It requires good...
Is this the best we can do, really? • Poverty murdering millions, yet Defence budgets seem endless. • Peak Oil. (Youtube “collapse” if unsure) • Oceans, dying under the weight...
When all said and done. If you hate - then more you have added to Hate. If you get angry - then more you have added to Anger. If you...
Different skin colours, different thinking about life, different life styles, different likes and dislikes. Seemingly so different yet when considered thus is this really the case? Don't we all want...
For it drives so much of me, my way, I am right, for what? It isolates, drives division and traps you to ever consume, from just a single resource, this...
For the winds of change, they blow Coming, they are sweeping before all, leaving behind a world so removed from now, that many will fail. Those so caught in today’s...
In many places I look these words are being redefined to directly relate to money. And are now (seemingly) being taught to our kids this way. ec·o·nom·i·cal (ĕk′ə-nŏm′ĭ-kəl, ē′kə-) adj....