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Who is the greater man?
Who is the greater man?

The one with the biggest gun, can do more destruction than that on the right? Perhaps the biggest bank balance? The one that plans to deceive and cheat his neighbour?...

Posted by | 09/07/2022 |
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The Balance – do you see it?
The Balance – do you see it?

Yes of course a couple kissing leaps out the shot, but what captured, appeared to me so much more. Take a minute, without reading further, what do you see? [don’t...

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It’s a man’s world
It’s a man’s world

Seems to be something most comfortably thrown about. Men are still the majority at the heads of business, in most governments, everywhere I look it seems a world dominated, taken...

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The needle gently lifted by the arm, held fast. Glides over the edge and, with expectation at extreme, begin to descend. Gently, ever so gently it touches the surface and...

Posted by | 29/06/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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Foundations of Life 3: Friends
Foundations of Life 3: Friends

For if a building stands on shaky foundations, it won't stand for long. Words Mean Things: 4th posting of many. Previously explored: Respect, Success, Alternative, Food and Health Food. Explored...

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An individual I am, for sure
An individual I am, for sure

The individual aspect of us makes us who we are on the outside. Our responses different and unique each time, personal to every one of us. How and why we...

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The magic in your first breath
The Magic in your first breath

From delivery the gift of the breath, continues throughout your Life, until every end. Taken for granted each time for sure it is, but yet when focused, what a miracle...

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To be brave considered
To be brave considered

Thoughts about Bravery perhaps initially bring to mind the battlefield. The act of overcoming fear, even fear of death. But is this the bravest? Others considered bring to mind: Jumping...

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A painter we each are
A painter we each are

Each new day we wake, a clean canvas waits. Each day we are opportune to paint in a new way, a master piece, same as yesterday, or not. The brushes,...

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What a machine we are
What a machine we are

Build in exquisite beauty. Every fibre just so, the structure of the bones unmatched. Made perfect we each are and always so incredibly different and unique. Free to do what...

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