Anyone who was hurt in childhood in some way. Those who lost a parent or both during the young years. Anyone who has felt deeply alone. Who spent many years...
Anyone who was hurt in childhood in some way. Those who lost a parent or both during the young years. Anyone who has felt deeply alone. Who spent many years...
Everywhere, everything has a label applied. The items to be purchased from the shelf. Strong, Weak, with care, Fragile, Organic, Improved, New, Used. All with every good purpose, at this...
Born here we all are. One day, oh so too soon, we might not be. Younger years spent laughing crying, perhaps being teased. Learning Love, the first crush. Feeling perhaps...
We teach that of writing, history, math, grammar and more. The result, regardless of achievement in the youthful days, the same.That of work, taxes, debt, struggle, the most harshest of...
Born here we all are. One day, oh so too soon, we might not be here any more. Younger years spent laughing crying, perhaps being teased. Learning Love, the...