Smiles never go out of fashion. Smiles convey happiness, Love and caring. Smiles can be received in happiness. Smiles can cause happiness. Smiles are free. (As are all the miracles...
Smiles never go out of fashion. Smiles convey happiness, Love and caring. Smiles can be received in happiness. Smiles can cause happiness. Smiles are free. (As are all the miracles...
Is the caterpillar "happy" about the entire body turned to soup? (to be a caterpillar, no more) Does the resulting exquisite butterfly, have any memory of what had to...
My strength is not that of a single warrior. But of the many upon who's shoulders I now stand. And those around us all, doing the same. 05.07.2024
Concrete takes time to cure and set. The real hardening, only when decades have transpired. Much form work required even before application to ensure desired result is just so. But even then, it...
Went to where trees are planted, ashes spread, again, recently. For my Mum, Dad and daughter, in New Zealand. Again breaking my heart, whilst in deep love with her, I...
The modern world. I must keep up, stay informed! Constant scrolling, taking in this and that. Scrolling, liking, approving. No longer able to focus to actually read, take in and...
THE DIVINE FEMININE RETURNS She might not have given herself her own permission to be free. Limited by doubt, perhaps the judgement of others about. Or Life’s lessons taking their...
Ever wondered what a different world we might wake to one day. When we have begun again to remember who we are. Who and what we were supposed to be. ...
From the very start programmed, before option for anything else even arrived. As time passed more your mind, your soul, who you were supposed to be, bit by bit removed,...
Yet in the knowing of knowing nothing at all, to hold your tune in resonance with the rhythms we call Life. To be the sailor, yourself, of your own Life....