Somewhere between deep sleep, safe warm in bed, pillow perfect, soft so perfectly soft. Take a moment to feel it, please do. A smile arrives slowly, slowly as I drift...
Somewhere between deep sleep, safe warm in bed, pillow perfect, soft so perfectly soft. Take a moment to feel it, please do. A smile arrives slowly, slowly as I drift...
This world, so crammed full it is. The hustle, the rush, the volume of the media spewing in drowning those around. Yet balance seems forgotten so long long ago. ‘‘this...
Life, there can never be a middle path. For as much as we might try to avoid, “experience” still comes close. Sometimes the highs so high that for a period,...
Let the new focus arrive to you. If only for a moment please come inside. For before you most marvelous of experiences. Breath, slow down the function required, be still...
When thought allowed to run, the model of Freedom often directed to the Western model of Life, it is. Free to do as I like, purchase what I want, that...
With noise pounding into your life, it seems, from every possible angle. The media, your school, the web, all those apps, the bank manager, your peers, the noise and pressures...
Now from a different perspective applied. Those with sight can see a twisted floor, yet that is not true. So even inside our limited ability, tricks can be played to...
A better witness to the richness of life, could want for no other. Upon reflection, so much love not to be contained here for long. As though you knew time...
Nature knows nothing of fixed or held fast. It tries not to hold onto itself. Rather it flows inside the miracle that this place provides it to exist at all. ...
The one with the biggest gun, can do more destruction than that on the right? Perhaps the biggest bank balance? The one that plans to deceive and cheat his neighbour?...