Articles with Photos


You are now in a dark room. It’s empty, large in size that of a public hall close in comparison. Nothing but darkness presents. It’s safe, for in this room,...

Posted by | 17/09/2023 | Awareness, development, growth, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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The boundary of the Divine
The boundary of the Divine.

In all manner of incredible ways we have created a million versions of our understanding about a God, or God's, and all manner of variations upon a theme. Seekers wondering...

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The weight of nothing at all
The weight of nothing at all.

We toil, struggle and fight just to be. Work hard, sacrifice much (sometimes oh so much) just to be where we are. Much weight upon the shoulders, placed. All too...

Posted by | 06/09/2023 | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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Everyone through Life has been programmed, conditioned if you like, to see this world of ours in just one way really. Competition, being the Human Race you’re here to be....

Posted by | 30/08/2023 | Awareness, Enlightenment, journey, self, spiritual
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Where can we find you when you go?
Where can we find you when you go?

We all depart this place. For this is a ride who's mortal end will be known by all. When I am gone you'll be able to find me in these...

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Perception / your reaction is everything
Perception / your reaction is everything

She seeks a divorce? They are brother and sister with a parent recently passed away? Best of friends enjoying time together? Lovers? He is a teacher, she the student? She...

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This is a beautiful place
This is a beautiful place

Amongst all the troubles and stresses that have been allowed to creep into this modern world. Have you stopped to take note of all that surrounds? All that, that has...

Posted by | 13/08/2023 | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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To see all that is before
To see all that is before.

From this simple element, all things come. For it is the bringer or Live as we know here in this place. Without it, this place wouldn’t be. The miracles that...

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The moments of real profit
The moments of real profit

(To be read slowly letting each line wash over you.) The warmth of the summer breeze as you stroll on shores soft sand. The hand of the new born in...

Posted by | 05/08/2023 | development, Discovery, individual, personal, self, spiritual
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How do I have to be in order for you to be free?
How do I have to be

(Take a moment and think about all that means) Some claim to be the seekers of a new world. That where the nonsense of the surrounds today is made null....

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