Clean water. Clean air. Safe community. Laughter. Happiness. Joy. Happy children. Food that is good for us. Support for each other. Friendship. Compassion. Empathy. Understanding. Clean healthy soils. Abundant wild...
Clean water. Clean air. Safe community. Laughter. Happiness. Joy. Happy children. Food that is good for us. Support for each other. Friendship. Compassion. Empathy. Understanding. Clean healthy soils. Abundant wild...
It wasn’t long ago that this leaf came. A young bud that at first was barely noticeable as it began to developed. On those warm spring days it sprung forth...
To even think about this question might bring to mind the likes of Martin Luther King, Gandhi and a host of other famous names. Completely normal of course as these...
I am in awe. You take my breath away. Such a pleasure to be journeying through this thing called Life, with you. The honour of being beside your side, all...
Her whole life has led her to this point. All the joy and pain, all the suffering and laughter, all the heartache and tears shed. All these things and so...
At a planet level, Life is changing rapidly around us. Sadly affecting everyone’s lives. Much of what we took for granted now exposed or being exposed. Just how thin these...
Near death, the nurse buzzer pushed, having taken minutes to muster the energy to get to it. The energy to grow a finger nail, not present. Upon arrival the panic...
Now as we go on a journey together. Now is the time most critical for us to decide. This choice now before us, never more sober required. For now is...
Billions of years ago, at a time before that, things were put into motion. The Universe arrived, inside of which galaxies took shape. Atoms grouped together, new chemicals and compounds...
Just because something can't be seen or heard doesn't mean it isn’t there. Clouds: We see them for just moments sometimes, to witness their departure in the next instant. Yet...