(Please read this slowly, reread if necessary many times. Let it take hold.) Perhaps the hardest of all to wrestle with, for we each carry our own. All of us...
(Please read this slowly, reread if necessary many times. Let it take hold.) Perhaps the hardest of all to wrestle with, for we each carry our own. All of us...
Just watched a clip on YouTube four times. Thought it’s interesting to reflect. Yes I did enjoy it, watch it a few days back and now twice more today. Wasn't...
I need not your food with preservatives, additives and God knows what else. Just to make “food” last longer and appear brighter for the purchase. I need not your hormones...
Sitting at the table, a hand is dealt. Not the first of many, but not the last either. For this hand is the only one you'll get to play, this...
Few able to hear that Life giving rhythm. But with fingers placed just so, the wrist and neck reveal that which gives you your go. Most give it no thought...
Money holds no value except for that given to it by the people. For the most part it doesn't even really exist anymore, except as “ones” and “zeros” (binary bits)...
For nothing I see today is actually economic. All consumes the planets resources in gay abandon, no thought for tomorrow. To call that “Economic” or “an Economy” is nonsense. All...
A concept introduced to me in a movie watched recently. Caught my eye. Whilst not really explored in the movie, more of a throw away actually. The Standing Man, as...
For all want or take some form of control over my thoughts and actions. If upright, with honour is the walk, then no need for what is right and wrong...
What the world misses, has had stolen perhaps. The joy of living, drifting in the emotion of life. The laughter, the love (oh the love), the lightness we all carry...