So, so abundant we are
So so abundant we all are.

If you stop to consider for a while, may a delightful smile begin to build, when thinking how abundant we have become together. So much the potential in abundance indeed...

Posted by | 02/08/2022 | individual, journey, Pathways, self, spiritual
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I wake, now today, in the future
I wake now sometime in the future.

Somewhere between deep sleep, safe warm in bed, pillow perfect, soft so perfectly soft. Take a moment to feel it, please do. A smile arrives slowly, slowly as I drift...

Posted by | 02/08/2022 | individual, journey, Pathways, pathwaystoresonance, personal, self, spiritual
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Oh and on the next day and next

Well in truth it will be the same again. Excitement and Fun and enjoyment Nature all around us, abundantly returned and healed itself of all the damage we have dished...

Posted by | 02/08/2022 | individual, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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Let not the Wondrous Joyous times slip by
Let not the Wondrous Joyous times slip by

Life, there can never be a middle path. For as much as we might try to avoid, “experience” still comes close. Sometimes the highs so high that for a period,...

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Shh sssh quite please.
Shh sssh quite please.

Let the new focus arrive to you. If only for a moment please come inside. For before you most marvelous of experiences. Breath, slow down the function required, be still...

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