
It doesn’t matter where I am
it doesnt matter where I am

Our Universe has us fully immersed inside. It’s Tree of Life doing what has been tasked at all levels. In the complexity and simplicity, just the way it operates. Our...

Posted by | 02/01/2023 | Awareness, development, Enlightenment, Pathways, spiritual
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Today might be enough
Today might be enough

Yesterday has gone, gone never to come again. What you did in it now recorded as if in stone, for all time. Unchangeable no matter how deep the desire. Tomorrow,...

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There is nowhere else to go.
There is nowhere else to go.

Our experience of this place, is indeed and obviously could only be about and from this place in which we all reside. Good, bad, young or old all have the...

Posted by | 27/12/2022 | development, Discovery, individual, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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My life, the journey
My life, the journey

I travel, through my Life. Regardless of my feeling, my emotion, those I love, those who don’t like me, I journey. This journey cares not of all that I might...

Posted by | 27/12/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, self, spiritual
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Beyond the scope of our senses today, but in the place we reside. There is magic. Colour from outside of the blinkers that we believe are the end of the...

Posted by | 21/12/2022 | Awareness, development, Pathways, pathwaystoresonance, personal, self
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When I look out
When I look out

So much, so very much we can be. The potential we bring with us into this life, unsurpassed the possibilities are. For in each moment presented our choices define what...

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Two Chalices: Good and Bad
Two Chalices: Good and Bad

Both sacred vessels Good: Love, Compassion, Love of Self, Love for another, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Forgiveness, Understanding. Bad: Anger, Frustration, Self Loathing, Rage, Deceit, Destruction, Violence, Abuse, War. When all...

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A waterfall flows
A waterfall flows

Tons and tons of water fall. The start can’t be seen, nor the end. This flow’s origins are beyond that of man, with most of his being, to understand or...

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A prayer for you
A prayer for you

May you have the strength to hold onto the observer, regardless of hurdle set before. May you find the skill not to carry bags others would bury you under. Equally...

Posted by | 08/12/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, personal, self, spiritual
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