Different skin colours, different thinking about life, different life styles, different likes and dislikes. Seemingly so different yet when considered thus is this really the case? Don't we all want...
Different skin colours, different thinking about life, different life styles, different likes and dislikes. Seemingly so different yet when considered thus is this really the case? Don't we all want...
One day will we stop destroying this place we call home? Tearing it apart, raping all the beauty, sometimes perhaps forever. Pumping it full of toxic waste, polluting it because...
For it drives so much of me, my way, I am right, for what? It isolates, drives division and traps you to ever consume, from just a single resource, this...
For the winds of change, they blow Coming, they are sweeping before all, leaving behind a world so removed from now, that many will fail. Those so caught in today’s...
Introduction. I start this as a continuing story, not sure of the number of parts, and the detail required to explore the conversation to completion. Sadly I acknowledge that most...
The history we are taught, seemingly to represent the all of all, is not. For our history the depth and width, hidden now for already enough time that truly unrecoverable,...
“It makes no difference.” This will be my physical vote. For show me any business that changes its board CEO and directors out every four years, and I'll show you...
In many places I look these words are being redefined to directly relate to money. And are now (seemingly) being taught to our kids this way. ec·o·nom·i·cal (ĕk′ə-nŏm′ĭ-kəl, ē′kə-) adj....
No Money. Food, everywhere grows what they can. Collectively, using as much green tech as possible. Those unable to support themselves either move or get supplied. Locally, locally is...
Show me the real numbers, promote to me what is really going on, then let me be sad for those who really suffer. “The poorest 40 percent of the world’s...