
The Bumpy Road 2 of 3
The Bumpy Road 1 of 3

Travelled yes, yet the path forward not visible as you venture on. Such is the Nature of the road. These rules woven right in, without requirement of consultation with you....

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The Line that cannot be seen
The Line that can not be seen

This photo captures something really important. Evidence in fact of a mindset that pollutes and consumes as it goes deeper and deeper into our physic. And for those now looking...

Posted by | 27/06/2023 | development, Discovery, individual, journey, self, spiritual
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She stands ready
She stands ready

Her whole life has led her to this point. All the joy and pain, all the suffering and laughter, all the heartache and tears shed. All these things and so...

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How thin the veil
How thin the veil

As the world discovers how the processes of “economy” and global trade, just in time delivery, leaves society extremely exposed. Where life forever changed the result. The motivation of the...

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The Bumpy Road 1 of 3
The Bumpy Road 1 of 3

The Roads’ nature is its own. It exists, it is, well before you arrived. It will be there as a fabric long after you are gone. For this cloth has...

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Extremely positive change might be on the way

At a planet level, Life is changing rapidly around us. Sadly affecting everyone’s lives. Much of what we took for granted now exposed or being exposed. Just how thin these...

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In just the right way.
In just the right way.

If held carefully in just the right way. If you’ve worked hard on yourself Started to master the Ego and emotions. The understanding of why. If you know what it...

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