
A change coming ready or not
A change coming ready or not

Researching ancient kingdoms and empires, both good and bad (South America, Central America, Europe, the Mediterranean). Asking what bought these down, what made them work, where might we be on...

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When does the balance return?
When does the balance return?

How does chemical reaction bring the spark of consciousness into being? For chemical reaction of thought provides not a hint of a platform for any such leap of the gap...

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Where can we find you when you go?
Where can we find you

We all depart this place. For this is a ride who's mortal end will be known by all. When I am gone you'll be able to find me in these...

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Good bye for now

As we spend time here on this amazing place. If attention focused tuned just so, understanding arrives of just how special this ride is. Through the knocks and bruises, those...

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Keeping it Simple
Keep it simple

So this modern world, high tech, fully connected, high paced often frantic. Fear built right in, fear of the person next door, on the train, standing beside you. Be in...

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The weight of nothing at all
the Weight of nothing at all

We toil, struggle and fight just to be. Work hard, sacrifice much (sometimes oh so much) just to be where we are. Much weight upon the shoulders, placed. All too...

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The boundary of the Divine
The boundary of the Divine

In all manner of incredible ways we have created a million versions of our understanding about a God, or God's, and all manner of variations upon a theme. Seekers wondering...

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The Theatre Before
the theatre before

You arrive outside the building, full of anxious anticipation. Looking forward to the experience of the play unfolding. For its cold out and the warmth of the theatre beckons, and you...

Posted by | 24/08/2021 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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What the world needs now is Love
What the world needs now is Love

But as a species we also need to drop these ideas about money, consumption based systems and governments. We need no Law to limit our potential. For we need to...

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