Mindfulness Not all apparent meanings are what they seem. For mindfulness for me now is more a heart condition than a mind one. Opening of the heart and other acuities,...
Mindfulness Not all apparent meanings are what they seem. For mindfulness for me now is more a heart condition than a mind one. Opening of the heart and other acuities,...
So sweet the nectar of our potential. So limit and boundless each is. Just deceived into being so, so much less, we have been. For that of the supernatural and...
There is a "language" being spoken around us all, all the time. That can not be heard, rather felt. More and more, those previously isolated are returning to it's source.
My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end. I know not when. The same it is for all of us, for you. Until that...
Today is an opportunity to do better than yesterday. The gratitude that you have such opportunity, some would say, could be close behind.
Less and less, the need to use the spoken or written word. Language as known today, redundant more each day, becomes. As we begin now to return to the world...
The answers aren't in doing what has before, been done. The answers are in prioritising entirely new motivation and directions. To personally walk seeking new outcomes for self and community....
There is no separation between anything. There never was and never can be. For Love know's, no such division. Everything is a part of and is the whole. No action...
Is the caterpillar "happy" about the entire body turned to soup? (to be a caterpillar, no more) Does the resulting exquisite butterfly, have any memory of what had to...