Our minds don’t understand infinity, that which has no start and no end. Is time just a comfortable concept or limitation? For when did time start and one day might...
Our minds don’t understand infinity, that which has no start and no end. Is time just a comfortable concept or limitation? For when did time start and one day might...
Rivers' flow as nature intends. Swift where there is no hindrance other than the friction of water on water at the center. Their outer banks and shallows however slowed. Yet...
Nature, the big Nature, in which we find ourselves. That of the Universe, and all its galaxies, the ebbs and flows of creation against time scales beyond us. That of...
Drowning in the stress, the pain, the troubles and worries, all seem the norm. Hassles with the spouse, the kids always bugging, lonely, sometimes in need of someone to just...
Near death, the nurse buzzer pushed, having taken minutes to muster the energy to get to it. The energy to grow a finger nail, not present. Upon arrival the panic...
Born, a while getting settled into this new life. Grew and began then to truly develop. Motor skills came, the beginning of controlled will full movement. By now you have...
Arrival into this life can be expressed as just two sides of a ledger. The credit side that of personal growth, the debit side that of learning opportunity. Life is...
Now as we go on a journey together. Now is the time most critical for us to decide. This choice now before us, never more sober required. For now is...
Programming, if clever enough you’ll never notice. We are born, only two types of expression. Female (wīfman) and male (wǣpmann). Two legs, two arms, hair, eyes, feet, ribs, nose, throat,...
Harmony where these angels reside. Natural bringing forth all created and yet to come. Moving as one, yet infinite the depth of the separation, allowing each grace of being. From...