
Open ready to be touched
Open ready to be touched

There you are, ready. When all else you have deliberately filed away. Made quiet, seems without plan, to arrive to now. All noised dulled, attention paid to turn it, it...

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Such beauty abounds
Such beauty abounds.

Pouring forth for those with eyes to see From our Souls, light shines through, can't masked won't be hidden. Such beauty in the planet our home, in all things that...

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A new world – Why not?
A new world – Why not?

We seem credibly addicted to this modern world. Rape of the planet (our only home), poverty killing more and more each day, pollution rampant, stand on each other’s throats the...

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I am so grateful for this thing called Life
I am so grateful for this thing called Life

Crushed, smashed, hurt, bad thoughts, we have all had them. Hurt to the core by just a passing comment, thrown so effortlessly, yet atomic destruction in receipt. Equally laughter, smiles,...

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Celebrate, let your spirit soar
Let your spirit soar

Where ever you are, whatever doing, celebrate your next breath. The deep gifts we all have, the love we can share, the spirit that guides, the hands held, the tears...

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Life, where did it go wrong?
Life, where did it go wrong?

Corporations treated like Gods. Legally created, non-entities, all consuming, damn the consequences let’s just take and make. Governments, puppets of hidden agenda, feeding the interests of the corporations. The Law,...

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