
When I look out
When I look out

So much, so very much we can be. The potential we bring with us into this life, unsurpassed the possibilities are. For in each moment presented our choices define what...

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Two Chalices: Good and Bad
Two Chalices: Good and Bad

Both sacred vessels Good: Love, Compassion, Love of Self, Love for another, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Forgiveness, Understanding. Bad: Anger, Frustration, Self Loathing, Rage, Deceit, Destruction, Violence, Abuse, War. When all...

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People, help the people.
People help the people

Forgotten those words are compassion, caring, support, assistance, kindness and many causalities of this war beside. Replaced instead with mine, isolation, division, much hunger, pain and suffering, “my rights” before...

Posted by | 15/12/2022 | Awareness, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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A waterfall flows
A waterfall flows

Tons and tons of water fall. The start can’t be seen, nor the end. This flow’s origins are beyond that of man, with most of his being, to understand or...

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A prayer for you
A prayer for you

May you have the strength to hold onto the observer, regardless of hurdle set before. May you find the skill not to carry bags others would bury you under. Equally...

Posted by | 08/12/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, personal, self, spiritual
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Beyond the limits of the Universe

Filled with blue sparkly light, ebbing and flowing. Changing the nature and strength of light revealed, constantly. The wonder in the eyes that have seen. Each the shape of the...

Posted by | 02/12/2022 | development, Discovery, individual, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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When bringing to the fore of the mind, this word “Beauty” on the surface, seems easy to grasp. That of the flower, the smile of a child, the bird on...

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Just for today

Could I not: • Judge anyone else. (just once for a whole day, as my goal). • Think poorly of myself. • Let in the programming from the world. •...

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The Language of God.
The Language of God.

Much care required to tune in just so. For this is the language that can not be spoken, nor heard directly from any written text. Nor can this language be...

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In our own way we are perfection

Prenote: Please read the main body paragraphs slowly. To allow the memories of these examples come to mind. If you rush the read, then you’ll waste your time. It is...

Posted by | 23/11/2022 | Awareness, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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