Deep in your subconscious programmed it has been, to continually strive, to purchase, to have and strive and to be seen. Yet stolen I declare this word to be, replaced...
Deep in your subconscious programmed it has been, to continually strive, to purchase, to have and strive and to be seen. Yet stolen I declare this word to be, replaced...
Thoughts about Bravery perhaps initially bring to mind the battlefield. The act of overcoming fear, even fear of death. But is this the bravest? Others considered bring to mind: Jumping...
Seductive the vibration can be. Something really attractive at times if attention paid. Speaks to the core of the being, draws you in. If heard from a distance, it triggers...
Each new day we wake, a clean canvas waits. Each day we are opportune to paint in a new way, a master piece, same as yesterday, or not. The brushes,...
When the light that is your life dulls and fades, gently ebbing back to where it came. What remains is what you focused on. Such is the impact of those...
We are born, all needed already Once born, given, all needed, no cost or justification, just given no questions asked. Our free will, our freedom of choice, the right and...
I see a colour blended into another, then another, yet more poured. The colours remain intact, each uniquely has it place. Yet all a perfect part in making the whole....
How to be generous to each other. How to inspire each other to be all we can be. How to help another in need, or at least try. How to...
Build in exquisite beauty. Every fibre just so, the structure of the bones unmatched. Made perfect we each are and always so incredibly different and unique. Free to do what...
Blessed you are if chasing rainbows takes your breath away. Laughter, “the rainbow from the Soul”. That joy outburst that comes from “that place” deep inside. Full of tears, the...