Today’s Real Headlines • Poverty Ended: food and medicine finally now available to every person on the planet. • Return to healthy Earth: massive reforestation and global water clean-up projects...
Today’s Real Headlines • Poverty Ended: food and medicine finally now available to every person on the planet. • Return to healthy Earth: massive reforestation and global water clean-up projects...
Researching ancient kingdoms and empires, both good and bad (South America, Central America, Europe, the Mediterranean). Asking what bought these down, what made them work, where might we be on...
This is not my normal approach. But across much of the reading I am doing, this diagram "arrived", to me. Contained therein are layers on layers on layers. Transcends time,...
When life pursued, questions asked and new answers revealed, a journey in the making begins. Things of old begin to fade, more dull each new day. The things around begin...
It seeking from us answers about ourselves, like at no other time before. We arrived here, without effort. Given all we needed right there in the moment. The single most...
Too often the politics (and the way we conduct ourselves) of this world are based on poverty. If people are poor, they want to take money or resources away from...
So vast the topics in Life that our education never touches. How to listen. How to speak to build up the other. How to share feelings and thoughts, knowing the...
What the world misses, has had stolen perhaps. The joy of living, drifting in the emotion of life. The laughter, the love (oh the love), the lightness we all carry...
Some want to cure world poverty; others just want to pluck the courage to ask someone out on a date. Others, exploration of the soul and all the entire universe...
That of the seen and unseen. For fabric, whilst real, more so than anything seen. Beyond human sight so fantastic is this place.. Reveals itself when ready and open you...