
The craftsman plies his hand to the craft
The craftsman plies his hand to the craft

From generation to generation the craft handed down. Each adjusting, trying different techniques, using variations on the theme. Hours and hours, lifetimes sometimes spent tuning and adjusting the design. Refining...

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As the fractal plays.
As the fractal plays.

In the background or right in front of us, the universe does what it does. Constantly spinning, moving, changing just as the ordered chaos it is, is supposed to. Possibly...

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For I might not be here tomorrow
For I might not be here tomorrow

As you opened your eyes this morning. Take a moment to think about that miracle. Your been asleep, no conscious thought on how to stay alive. Breath, Heart beat, Lungs,...

Posted by | 23/05/2023 | Awareness, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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One day soon I might be gone
One day soon I might be gone

As the years pass, life’s final days, not hidden your own mortality, it becomes. Maybe on that day, I’ll not be as well as I am today. Perhaps, if lucky,...

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The size of God
The size of God

Our minds don’t understand infinity, that which has no start and no end. Is time just a comfortable concept or limitation? For when did time start and one day might...

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Just stop the world, for a moment
Just stop the world, for a moment

Nature, the big Nature, in which we find ourselves. That of the Universe, and all its galaxies, the ebbs and flows of creation against time scales beyond us. That of...

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Life is a funny thing
Life is a funny thing

Drowning in the stress, the pain, the troubles and worries, all seem the norm. Hassles with the spouse, the kids always bugging, lonely, sometimes in need of someone to just...

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At that moment when last breath drawn

Near death, the nurse buzzer pushed, having taken minutes to muster the energy to get to it. The energy to grow a finger nail, not present. Upon arrival the panic...

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