
Of the right then
Of the right then

So out of balance most are, with few, very few unbalanced with bias to The Right. How does this journey start? Before all, it must be remembered how long the...

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Learning to try to hold on, by letting go

Home not so far away. Never understood, the gap between opposites of the spectrum. Never understood, how a balanced approached brings stillness. Desire instead actually to be out of balance...

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Foundations of Life 2
Foundations of Life 2

For if a building stands on shaky foundations, it won't stand for long. Previously explored: Alternative. Explored in this one: Food and Health Food. Food and Health Food. Definition: Food....

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Awake we say, really?
Awake we say, really?

We (hopefully mostly everyone nowadays) are familiar with the definition of left and right brain. Not literally of course, as the two function both independently and in concert with each...

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A rift opens before us
A rift opens before us

It is a natural thing, born to happen in this time, from time of past. Cycling through the ages as always it has done. It doesn't seek to choose, nor...

Posted by | 10/05/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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All things known and unknown
All things known and unknown

Boundaries beyond the realms of understanding. For in this place time and distance have no part. The inside is only energy and information. One required to sustain life force and...

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The Law is an arse
The Law is an arse

In the nature of Nature, the only thing constant is change. Something eroded to in turn, become something else. The Weather, Jet streams, Ocean currents, the light, the heat, the...

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What’s with all the noise, who am I?
What's with all the noise, who am I?

Life in a modern world seems to be one of the largest tornadoes I have ever witnessed. Alive, off to school, picked on by peers, not understood, perhaps not listened...

Posted by | 01/05/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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For the most part, hope that most agree that we create our world, individually and collectively. Have you ever thought about the energy you provide to what and why? Headlines...

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The madness abounds
The madness abounds

What others are struggling to take. The "western world" so full of all that is good. Good enough it seems for others to want to take it over. Has anyone...

Posted by | 27/04/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
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