New Human

Take not for granted.

Take not for granted. The magic of the Miracles it took, to make our home, what it is. That which has been given. For none of us actually, had a...

Posted by | 05/03/2025 | Awareness, Discovery, individual, journey, New Human
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To truly, deeply experience Life.

To truly, deeply experience Life. To be totally immersed in it. Placing your foot firmly on the clutch pedal of the mind, and holding it there, required.

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We are, you are, I am

We are, you are, I am, so, so, so much more than the programming baked into us. An abundant, caring, supportive, compassionate, life of exploration is where we are supposed...

Posted by | 25/02/2025 | Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, New Human, personal, self, spiritual
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It’s in the silence.

It's in the silence. This place, our home, waits patiently for us to listen. Of the lessons, so profound, it has waiting. Turn the volume down of the entire world....

Posted by | 15/02/2025 | individual, journey, New Human, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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There is a “language” being spoken

There is a "language" being spoken around us all, all the time. That can not be heard, rather felt. More and more, those previously isolated are returning to it's source.

Posted by | 20/01/2025 | Awareness, Enlightenment, journey, New Human, Pathways, self, spiritual
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Let life hurt.

Let life hurt. Love each other to that degree. Take now the time to stop and deeply feel that. Forgive yourself. Pursue, Peace, Happiness and Joy, as if your very...

Posted by | 15/01/2025 | Awareness, individual, journey, New Human, personal, self, spiritual
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My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end.

My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end. I know not when. The same it is for all of us, for you. Until that...

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Less and less, the need to use

Less and less, the need to use the spoken or written word. Language as known today, redundant more each day, becomes. As we begin now to return to the world...

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The answers aren’t in doing what has before, been done.

The answers aren't in doing what has before, been done. The answers are in prioritising entirely new motivation and directions. To personally walk seeking new outcomes for self and community....

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