
One day can we arrive?
One day can we arrive?

One day will we stop destroying this place we call home? Tearing it apart, raping all the beauty, sometimes perhaps forever. Pumping it full of toxic waste, polluting it because...

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Full of promise new Life is. Innocent, perfect, wonder and awe, the eyes just taking it in all around. Everything fresh and new. For the first time, things sharp and...

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For a long time Nature’s hour glass has been still. The sand in the bottom, position well known, settled for a long time has been. But like all dry moisture...

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For the winds of change, they blow
For the winds of change, they blow

For the winds of change, they blow Coming, they are sweeping before all, leaving behind a world so removed from now, that many will fail. Those so caught in today’s...

Posted by | 28/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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We are seekers now, now that the truth is revealed.
We are seekers now, now that the truth is revealed.

Motivated today in ways not considered before. We seek a new way of being to live together now, without all the Law and oppression. Yet at the same time, called...

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Stop it, We have been deceived
Stop it, We have been deceived

The history we are taught, seemingly to represent the all of all, is not. For our history the depth and width, hidden now for already enough time that truly unrecoverable,...

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Crime – death and shootings
Crime - death and shootings

Show me the real numbers, promote to me what is really going on, then let me be sad for those who really suffer. “The poorest 40 percent of the world’s...

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Normal, what is this thing called normal?
Normal, what is this thing called normal?

Programmed in, it has been. Be “normal”, don’t stand out, don’t risk it, how dare you! Don’t you dare, don’t you dare be brave enough to be yourself. “Normal” it...

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Now the most important part
Now the most important part

The crunch of the stones under foot. The warmth of sun on the cheek, that cool breeze arriving just in time. The sound of the ocean caressing or at war...

Posted by | 12/02/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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A beautiful song
A beautiful song

A beautiful song plays throughout this thing called Life. An individual tune, each song tailored just so. No two the same. Cast so many years before, with many practiced on...

Posted by | 28/01/2022 | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
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