My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end. I know not when. The same it is for all of us, for you. Until that...
My physical Life, here in this place, will one day come to an end. I know not when. The same it is for all of us, for you. Until that...
Less and less, the need to use the spoken or written word. Language as known today, redundant more each day, becomes. As we begin now to return to the world...
Learn, rather now, to build your own world. Something around you that you can manage, not more. Invest the quality time needed to clean and heal the wounds carried for...
The answers aren't in doing what has before, been done. The answers are in prioritising entirely new motivation and directions. To personally walk seeking new outcomes for self and community....
We have no "unsolvable issues", none. Just programming to believe we can't. To prevent us from even getting started. The string on the elephant, no less. 13.09.2024
Is the caterpillar "happy" about the entire body turned to soup? (to be a caterpillar, no more) Does the resulting exquisite butterfly, have any memory of what had to...
My strength is not that of a single warrior. But of the many upon who's shoulders I now stand. And those around us all, doing the same. 05.07.2024
Concrete takes time to cure and set. The real hardening, only when decades have transpired. Much form work required even before application to ensure desired result is just so. But even then, it...